Where did Tuesday go??????? I woke up in the morning, got to work and then, well, I am not sure where the day went. I had a Co-Admin meeting for Guidance and Curriculum this morning that last until 11:15 am. We had to present the data that we worked on last night. The entire meeting seemed to fly by and before you knew it I was back at work and meeting with a teacher about school policies and procedures. Then lunch duty happened and a continuation of technology clean-up. OMG!!! Imagine a building with 100 rooms and getting rid of all sorts of technology from the past 10 years and that is my life right now. That has to happen before December and I have been working on this for two months now. While that makes it sound like it should be done, I have been doing inventory along the way of computers, printers and materials in the classroom while cleaning out the materials and placing them in the "Technology Graveyard." I think I need another room to store everything. There is one more area to clean out that will be done on Wednesday night and then listing of the serial numbers for removal begins!!!! I got home about 7:45 pm after supervision tonight and decided to clean the apartment. I am hoping to be able to take it easy this weekend and get some studying done. Wish me luck!!!
Talk about a Wacky Wednesday!!! Oh my gosh!! We had four students try to "escape" from school but not very well - they got caught and are now suspended. I know, I know, they try to leave and therefore we put them out of school for a few days. I think that a better suggestion would have been to put them on lock down in school. LOL!! I am such an evil Assistant Principal - make them STAY!!!! Well the fun did not stop there. We had three students who were suspended for possession and at least one of them will be moved to an alternative placement. Wow! Wednesday seemed to go on forever. At the end of the day, I then had the nighttime custodian staff move a bunch of old electronic equipment and I helped.
Thursday did not get much better. We are one assistant principal down this morning we had a student who was "tagging" lockers and another one get busted for possession as well. I did "normal" discipline today - the regular items like electronic violations, tardies and such. I was hoping today would settle down a bit but nope, at the end of the day, a chick fight!!! So now I had to suspend the two young ladies for three days and had them given tickets for fighting so they will have to go see a judge. On top of that, another young lady videoed the entire thing, posted it on Instagram which was shown to me by another student. I got the girl who video and posted who tried to tell me that she gave her phone to someone else. I mean REALLY - How crazy do you think I am. Like a 16 year old is going to give her phone to someone who is going to video and post it on her site…… How crazy do you think I am????? Well the day finally ended with me teaching about Essential Questions to a group of teachers who wanted optional PD. That make me very happy!! :) I ended my day with a wonderful Band Concert tonight with fabulous students who have put in a lot of time and effort for a fabulous performance. I was so excited to be there. My congratulations to the BSR band!!! I finally made it home at 9:10 pm tonight after getting gas and was able to sit down with my cute kitty who talks to me all the time when I am home.
Band Concert 1 |
Band Concert 2 |
Band Concert 3 |
My Cute Kitty! |
My problem right now is that I have gone, gone and gone for the past three days with a lot of stress at work with students. I am not complaining or whining!!! I love my job and interacting with students and teachers. However, I am very tight across my shoulders from stress and I can feel the tightness setting in to my muscles. I really need to go hiking or visit the gym this weekend. I think getting in a good workout will help loosen me up. While it was a rough week so far, it has also been great because as I walk across campus, students stop me, talk to me, and interact with me in a way that is indicative that I am making a difference on the campus. As I am typing this on Thursday, I am wondering what adventures await me on Friday!
Ok so Friday was just as crazy!! So much so that we did not get all of our Admin meeting completed. We started and kept getting interrupted. I am not sure there is a good time for an admin meeting. I have been trying to determine what I would do if I am ever a principal. This one is a hard one to figure out. So Friday at school was nutty: I have a young student who got his skateboard taken for the second time. I mean really - while I feel terrible for the kid and want to help him, the cameras did not show anything and on top of all of that the kids that are saying they heard something - is just that - they all heard something. None of them saw anything. I have told this young man that I think he needs to leave the skateboard at home since this is the second one that we have had an issue with. That took the majority of the afternoon as well along with the other three issues that had to be taken care of. Needless to say, not everything got done on Friday and I have to remind myself that sometimes things don't always get done and it is okay. There is always tomorrow and everyone is busy. As long as students are safe, the things that cannot wait are not put off then everything else can be done a little later. I just have to prioritize and keep on working.
Saturday was a nice surprise. I was able to have breakfast with a dear friend who I treasure and relax. It is nice to have a morning where I did not have to be at work or write a report - yeah, I know the PhD does need to get done but I did not have a Technology Report, Strategic Plan or Library Needs list to itemize. Rather, I was able to have a relaxing morning and get the rest of my Christmas shopping, wrapping and errands run so that I can really focus. I spent the evening catching up on some contacts and working on getting laundry done as well as get organized for the next week. I know that tomorrow, Sunday will be fun. I am eating dinner at the Roe's with Erin and Bri joining us. We are doing meatloaf tomorrow and yes, you read that correctly - I am making meatloaf, yes the stuff with meat and I am doing a Mushroom Meatloaf also. I am pretty excited about trying out this new recipe. I will let you know how it goes!! Cross your fingers and hope. It will be an exciting afternoon.
So….did anyone look at the sky…… know what time of the month it is??? You got it - FULL MOON!! Wish me luck and keep me in your thoughts as we enter the week before Christmas Break with a full moon. LOL!!!!
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