Well, Squeak is okay. She is obviously getting older but they say she is healthy. She has somehow picked up tapeworms and I am not sure how that happened but she is being treated now for this condition so she should feel better soon. The vet says she probably has a virus which is why her eyes get "goopy" and therefore that is why her previous medications have not helped. While we were at the Vet, Squeak was super good. She got her picture taken, got some treats, had her temperature taken, was prodded and poked and she did not do anything but sit there quietly. Okay, she got under the towel, but she always does that at home and she was so good. When we got home she acted puny and layer around but she is in much better spirits today, Sunday.
On the Way to the Vet |
Hiding at the Vet |
Closer Look |
Home After the Vet |
Saturday night was the Mid-Winter Ball, the semi-formal for the high school and it was so much fun. It was at the Riverside Memorial Auditorium. The area had balloons and tables set out around the area. it was tastefully done with a large dance space and a stage where the DJ Knick Knack was set up. There were two tables of food and drinks in the back for the kids. Now, this auditorium use to be used for plays and events so there is stadium seating for the kids as well like you would have at a theater. The doors opened up onto a balcony in which students could go and cool off and take pictures. Downstairs was the pictures and another area to sit and eat also. There were teachers strategically placed around the area to chaperon the dance as well.
The kids started lining up for the dance at 7:30 pm, and the doors would not open till 8:00 pm. Very different than SC where the kids are about 30-45 minutes late and leave about an hour after the event. The kids stayed until the very end and at 12:00 pm when the students were leaving, all of them left and were gone within 30 minutes. I could not believe it!!!! On top of that, the dancing was completely appropriate - even on the songs that would have some other types of dancing. I was incredibly impressed with the decorum and behavior of the students. I only had to break up two sets of couples who were kissing extensively. Even that was not really bad. So excited to go and be there with the kids. I REALLY needed that this weekend. I know that sounds crazy that being at a dance from 7:30 pm - 12:45 am the next morning is what I needed but the kids are great and it was wonderful to see them dressed up.
DJ on Stage |
Mid-Winter Court |
Some of the Staff from JW North |
I am excited to say that my car is getting about 38 miles to the gallon. I know it is suppose to get 42 miles but since it is diesel, I keep getting told it needs to be broken in. When I first got the car I was only getting about 32 so I am happy that it has gotten better. I can make it back and forth to work 6x before I have to get gas verse 4 when I first got the car or 3 in the Escape. So, I am saving money - in some ways. Hate to have a car payment but happy to have a fun little car.
Well today school hit full force. It started with the morning getting students into classes who had brought various types of candy to school. Always fun to work with students who are on a sugar high. Let's just say there is never a dull day as a high school assistant principal. Today was just as busy as normal but let's combine that with email that would not open and a slow computer. LOL!! Well, it got fixed and I kept on plugging along. The crazy things that happen are things like, a parent who texts her mom that a teacher would not let her go to the bathroom without serving 30 minutes as a detention for going. Well, what she is leaving out is that she has 9 minutes between classes to go to the bathroom and her classroom is right across from the bathroom so there is no reason she should not be able to go to the bathroom between classes. In addition to that, right before the class this occurred in she has PE where she has access to the bathrooms at the end of class while she changes for at least 10 minutes. So essentially there is 15-20 minutes for her to go to the bathroom and not have to leave the class. I know there is a lot of times there is an emergency but that is when you go ahead and serve the 30 minutes and talk to the teacher during the time, or miss the teacher detention and take a 20 minute lunch detention. There are consequences for choices no matter what they are - bathroom or whatever. However, in this case the teacher does not have her bathroom policy in her syllabus which is where the issue really is for this young lady because she does not know what is or is not allowed. Poor little 9th grader.
Hopefully we have made progress today for our RTI / MTSS plan. We had a meeting this afternoon in which we are working on the plan to move forward with the supporting students and making changes within the school in order to provide students with more support and guidance in attaining success in A-G classes. We will see how our next meeting at the end of February goes and what the departments are willing to do!!! The rest of the week has been a little crazy with more tasks that have to be done then there is time for. I just keep plugging along as much as possible in order to keep my head above water right now. Between the Middle Years Program, RtI, Discipline Committee, Technology Order, Early Release PD and the discipline, it is a wonder that I get to sleep. Ahh…. the life of an Asst Principal. I was late to the Assistant Principal Dinner on Tuesday night because I had to cover the JV Basketball game. Just too many things to do and too little time to do it in, but everyone feels that way!! Right???? I will tell you that I am now totally against Twitter and if I have to deal too much more with Twitter Cyber-Bullying I might seriously loose my hair. When you hashtag a comment it goes to a wall/thread and therefore I cannot determine who posted the comment since it puts it on the wall based on the hashtag sign and not a user's profile. Right now the big thing on Twitter is something called High School Confessions where students write about things they have done while they are actually on a high school campus. Well the idea is not to put any names but apparently some people stated putting names, hence others got upset. So I dealt with that for awhile this week as well as vulgar inbox messages on the John W. North Facebook page. I am learning so much!!!!
Well I treated myself to a manicure / pedicure on Friday afternoon because of the week - and it was time. Yet, when I got home and took a shower, one of my nails was already cut and hence it broke off. So I doctored it to make it look, "not so bad??" LOL!!! Is this the beginning of how the weekend is going to go??? Not sure. It is going to be a busy next few weeks and I am a little worried about getting everything done. I don't mind the busy, I just worry that I will let someone down or not do something correct. On Saturday, I got up and went to breakfast with a friend who I have not seen in awhile, but one that I always want to make time for, so I knew that Saturday would be pushing it. After I left breakfast, I had to drive to Downy, CA, which is above Anaheim but not as far as LA to teacher for Texas Instruments. I cannot say that it was my best PD that I have ever presented and upon reflection I am actually very disappointed in the PD and wish I could go back and do several things differently. I went with more about the TI Nspire rather than just jumping into science activities. Next time, I will just jump into science activities. Live and learn right???? After I left there, I was on my way to San Diego to the Qualcomm Stadium for Supercross. I did not get to go with the Roe's in the afternoon as I would have liked because of the TI commitment. The drive was fairly easy but it was just a lot of time in the car on one day, not a huge deal but I would have liked to have a few more minutes here and there. I made it to the stadium by 6:45 pm and Supercross started at 7:30 pm so I was there in plenty of time. It was a new experience for me. Now, I have been to a WWF wrestling match when I was in high school, I have also attended ice hockey in South Carolina in both Charleston and Greenville. This evert had the feels of combing in the two events. There was a showing of the bikes and bikers as they called the riders names and they made a lap waving to everyone. There were two different types of races the 250 and 450. There were people throwing t-shirts and using an air gun to pelt them into the stands as well. Of course there are scantily clad women showing the heats, and events as they strut across the dirt, as they would in a wrestling ring as well. It is amazing how quickly the bikers get out of the gates and start the track. I cannot believe how much air they get on some of the jumps - absolutely amazing. It was a lot of fun and being there with the Roe's was great! Lots of fun, even if it did get a little chilly. i will say that I left before the event was completely over. During the last main race, I left with 6 laps left to go but I did because I was worried bout being able to get out of the parking lot with all the traffic. I have not been down in that area before so I was unfamiliar with the roads and there seemed to be a lot of people drinking so I wanted to make sure that I was able to get home safely.
Before the Race |
The Track |
Jessica, Mog and I |
Getting Ready to Go |
High Flying Action |
Another |
Wow! |
Kennedy and I |
Jess and Mog (using binoculars) |
Sunday is now a catch up day. I am trying to get caught up on all the little tasks that I did not get done this past week due to late nights at school and not being around on Saturday. I also have to have everything packed and ready to go by Wednesday night because Thursday morning I fly to New York City to meet some friends for our Girl's Weekend. I am hoping that we do not get snowed in anywhere and I am able to make it back to CA!
I think she is mad that I am not home all the time. |
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